Our new chapter has begun!

Well it has been five years since I sat down to blog and now more that eight years since we left our last family assignment in Kathmandu.  I loved doing my blog there as it gave me a chance to document our time and share with friends and family what we were up to.  I thought I would try a new blog when we returned home but then life took over!  Going home and having Bill prepare for and then go on an unaccompanied tour while I attempted to keep home in order and tried to raise our dear hoodlums - well, that meant that having time to write and pursue photography went on the back burner, or more accurately, out the window!

Life has morphed in some pretty profound ways the past five years.  My children are now two teenagers and a tween which is ABSOLUTELY hard for me to get my head around.  I lost my father in 2013 and I miss him.  My dear Mom is now 91.  And here we are ... in Berlin!

Since family and a few friends have asked and since I really was looking forward to it,  here is the new blog for this chapter of our lives.  I hope to be faithful at checking in a few times a month but no promises.

Serving his country in Germany has been Bill's dream.  He came to Germany when his father was posted here as an Army officer and the love affair began.  Shockingly (well, to us anyway) this has been his first opportunity in his entire Foreign Service career to be posted here and he is delighted.  I am always happy to explore new cities and live in a foreign locale.  Now that our children are older, however, an international move really felt far more emotionally fraught than our other moves as we considered schools, churches etc.  They are remarkable, resilient humans!  It was difficult to leave a community we loved so much and the complete gift of a school we had in DC.  While it is easy to mourn what we know we will miss, we must look forward to the unknown and trust that God will weave it all together for good.  I do predict that in three years we will be sad to leave here. (I said it here first!)

We have been here six weeks now so I will catch up on the "happenings" in another post.  It has taken this long for me to get somewhat settled. I am still in that blissful pre HHE arrival state where the house, while naked, is happily unencumbered by the 6000 plus pounds of stuff that will arrive at some point (Yuk!).  We have phones now.  We have WiFi and are connected so ... here I am.

For now ...
Auf Wiedersehen!


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