
Showing posts from February, 2018

Well Into Lent ...

Oh the lengthening days of Lent.  I confess this has never been my focus during this season but in this new land of little light (especially in the dead of winter), quickly lengthening days are the greatest of gifts!  Though still cold, we had several sunny days this week and I take every opportunity for a little Vitamin D when it comes.  Walks around our little lake are glorious to me. My German teacher asked me about "Fastenzeit" and whether I observed and in my ridiculous German I tried to explain The Repentance Project ( ).  I failed but please visit and check this out.  I have so often felt that as a modern Caucasian woman - what can I do about racial reconciliation?  How am I implicated in the experiences of my contemporaries of color?  I don't have a notebook of answers but when I read this it instantly felt like a good place to start. This month started off with Lindsay's dramatic death scene as Haemon in Antigone.